Especialidades Centro Veterinario during a surgery.
When Juan José Azmitia, also known as “JuanJo,” told his grandfather he wanted to be a veterinarian, he was told he would “starve to death.” But despite this, he pursued his dream of revolutionizing veterinary practices in Guatemala. Through years of hard work and dedication, he turned his vision into a reality with Especialidades Centro Veterinario.
Fast Runner Juan José Azmitia
JuanJo aspired to build a state-of-the-art hospital and establish a sales team to export veterinary equipment. Seeking guidance and support, he signed on to the Bpeace Maximizer Forward program and, in doing so, completely shifted the trajectory of his business.
“I was worried Bpeace would come and try to teach me how to do my business. However, I decided to join with an open mind and put in the effort.“During one of the diagnostic calls with expert George Lober, I realized that this was exactly what I needed: to sit down weekly with someone to advise me. I needed guidance to confirm that my vision is correct, from someone who has traveled the same path and has more experience.”Especialidades Centro Veterinario’s patient
With the guidance of Skillanthropist HR experts Buck Baker and Dale Spann, JuanJo realized the clinic’s most significant challenge revolved around talent management and staff retention. With Bpeace’s help, he implemented a comprehensive employee growth program that fosters a more cohesive and resilient team.
“It has made us a much more solid team and more comfortable with the stress and defeats that are experienced every day in a hospital. It completely changed our ambition, and this would not have happened if I had not joined Bpeace.”
The implementation of the growth program has led to reduced turnover rates for Especialidades Centro Veterinario. JuanJo’s new holistic approach to employee satisfaction provides his team with a sense of growth, work-life balance, and support. This has enabled his staff to mentor new collaborators, opening doors for the company’s expansion.
Especialidades Centro Veterinario’s success with the Bpeace program set the company on a solid path to open clinics in other Central American countries. JuanJo’s openness to embracing employee engagement and creating fulfilling career paths has positioned Especialidades Centro Veterinario as a leading veterinary clinic in Guatemala, and soon beyond.